The Institute offers membership at different grades that reflect a member’s experience and qualifications
They also provide a path for the recognition of increasing professional development. You can join on either an individual or a corporate basis. Membership covers the year from 1 January to 31 December. For those who become members during the year subscription is charged at pro-rata rate after 1 March. Corporate members the year runs from January to December.
The Institute is essentially an organisation of individual members. The Chartered grades of CMILT (Chartered Member) and FCILT (Chartered Fellow) are recognised internationally as indicating that the holder has reached a standard of experience and knowledge in the transport and/or logistics sectors.
Members can apply for regrading. You need to apply on the form below, and this together with a full CV (photocopies only please) is then forwarded to the Branch Committee for consideration. The CV should list your experience and qualifications particularly in relation to Key Performance and Key Knowledge areas, as set out on the form. These form the basis for the Committee’s consideration.
Membership Grades
Student Member – Enrolled in a recognized course of study in logistics or transport at a tertiary level within Zimbabwe, or a CILT International course.
Affiliate – The first membership step, no qualifying criteria.
Member (MILT) – First grading step for those working in Logistics, Transport and Supply Chain management and qualifying by experience or qualification.
Chartered Member (CMILT) – Second grading step for those working in logistics or transport and qualifying by experience or qualification.
Chartered Fellow (FCILT) – Meeting Chartered Member requirements, and holding a senior position in the industry or, rarely, per eminence following appointment to senior position in industry.
Corporate Membership offers businesses and organisations the opportunity to show their support for the Institute at the corporate level. This is a new initiative in progress.
Membership Chairperson Tommy Kuendambairi Email
Become a Corporate Member today!
As a membership-based organisation, CILT creates platforms for Corporate Organisations to actively participate in mutually benefiting activities. In line with the dictates of our philosophy of growing and developing businesses around the world, CILT gives ample opportunities to Corporate Organisations to enjoy the privilege of life-time benefits through training and networking.
Corporate Membership Categories
• Platinum Member
• Gold Member
• Silver Member
• Bronze Member
Download Our Guidelines:
CILT Accredited Institutions
Membership Application Form
CILT Membership Guidelines