Study With Cilt Today.

Study With Cilt Today.

CILT can be a valuable resource for anyone interested in advancing their career in logistics and transport. Whether you're just starting out in the field or you're a seasoned professional,

Create Your future Now!

Create your future now, by enrolling for your Cilt Qualifications with us. CILT can be a valuable resource for anyone interested in advancing their career in logistics and transport. By

Enrol With Us Today.

Become a qualified logistics and transport professional by acquiring a Cilt qualification. Enrol with us and get Your: Cilt International Certificate in Logistics and Transport. Cilt International Diploma in Logistics

Code of Conduct

Code of Professional Conduct Members shall uphold the professionalism of Membership/CPL and shall at all times: ​ Act with the integrity and professionalism and carry out their duties in such a